Our Services

We have more to offer for your wealth protection. Our Significant Wealth Seminars are designed to help you understand some of the foundational philosophies we follow when helping guide our clients through each of their life stages. Our no-obligation, strictly informational seminars will help you discover the answers to these urgent questions.


Retirement Planning

Is your retirement going to be the way you dreamed it would be? Do you have enough to retire well and leave a legacy? We specialize in retirement planning that gives significance to the years you’ve looked forward to while helping you plan to leave a lasting legacy.

Estate Planning

Knowing how your money works, how to navigate the tax laws effectively and how to build a reliable and dynamic plan is the foundation of the Significant Wealth philosophy.  We believe knowledge is power when it comes to your money and future.

Income Planning

You’ve grown into the successful career you’ve worked hard for. Now is the time to be focused on growing your financial wealth. No matter if the goal is to buy your first home, build that nest egg, or save to start your own business, we can help.

Social Security

For many Americans, Social Security is the single largest asset they have in retirement and greater than 90% of all recipients do not maximize their Social Security benefits. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, there may be ways to maximize the lifetime Social Security benefits you receive.